Educational Objectives

Graduates in this class are, under the Law of 10 August 2000 251, article 1, paragraph 1, operators of the Health Professions area of nursing and midwifery who perform with professional autonomy activities aimed at prevention , care and protection of individual and collective health,  by carrying out  duties specified by the rules establishing those professional profiles, as well as by specific codes of conduct using objectives specific for teenagers, adults and geriatric age.

Graduates in the field of Midwifery are responsible for responsibilities indicated by the DM Ministry of Health September 14, 1994, n . 740 [subsequent amendments and additions]; they assist and advise women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, lead and carry out physiological births in autonomy and provide newborn care.

Graduates in the field of Midwifery, as per their pertinence, participate in health education and sexual health both within the family and in the community, psycho - prophylactic preparation for childbirth, preparation and assistance in gynecological surgery; prevention of female cancer in reproductive system;  programs of maternal and neonatal care ; manage, in accordance with professional ethics , as members of Health Team, care interventions as per their competence , they are able to identify potentially pathological situations that require medical intervention and to put practice , if necessary , required emergency measures; they carry out their professional activity in health care facilities , public or private , or self-employed; they contribute to the professional training of support staff and directly contribute to the update of their professional profile and research. In their pertinence sector, they met objectives related to the topic of biological risks , particularly with regard to radiation protection, according to the contents of Annex IV D. Decree 187 of May 26, 2000.

Practical activities and training should be carried out, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the European Union, with specific reference to practical training standard, that must comply with the Directive 80/154/EEC .

 University Credits acquired in the Midwifery Course will be fully recognized as valid for the continuation of studies in the Second Level Degree in Nursing and Midwifery. Graduates carry out their professional activity in health care facilities, public or private, or can be self-employed.

High School Degree is needed in order to be admitted to  Midwifery Educational program (as well as other qualification obtained abroad, recognized as valid). Access and enrollment to the course is limited. Prospective students must be successful in the entrance test in accordance with indication of Ministry of Education.